Osama Bin Laden (Dead or Alive?)

Osama Bin Laden

It’s been almost 10 years since the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City, and for 10 years the man behind the attacks is still on the run and the United States has no idea where he is…right?  This has been a subject of much debate and now in the year 2010 people are starting to get upset and want an explanation from the government about why they haven’t caught or killed Osama Bin Laden.  What people have to realize is that Osama Bin Laden was a wanted man even before September 11th, and actually was involved with the 1993 car bombing of the World Trade Center as well.  But September 11th, 2001 really made Bin Laden become a heavy target for the U.S. military, and a wanted man around the world.  But how could someone of this magnitude, with a face more recognizable than Jesus completely disappear and avoid any detection?  How can someone with “God-like” status and millions of followers not be seen for over three years (Which was the last time Bin Laden’s location was known). Around 2004 when Bin Laden released a video officially claiming responsibility for the attacks on the World Trade Center, many conspiracy theories started arising.  Why was his beard dyed? According to my research, for very religious Muslim men to dye their beards it would have been shamed upon.  And, why did he officially claim responsibility 3 years after the attacks? Osama is a human being, and I would think that after just blowing up two buildings and watching this on TV knowing you did it, how could you keep that a secret for 3 years, and why?  Osama Bin Laden is the reason we are in these ‘wars’ in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Iran.  Yes, George Bush was the one who decided to go to war, but why did he? Because of September 11th and that happened because of Osama Bin Laden.  Had September 11th not happened, it would have been a much different world we live in today, how we view the middle-east, our economy would be different and how other countries few the U.S. The big question is why we haven’t gone after him, why does President Obama never want to talk about why he doesn’t want to go after Osama? 

The United States is the most technologically advanced country in the world and yet we can’t catch one man?  Why aren’t we putting in enough time to go after this man, even if he has not been a direct threat to our country since? September 11th killed almost 3,000 people and to think that 3,000 or probably more family members don’t have the murderer of the person who killed their children is unthinkable.  How can we not catch this man? If he is where people actually say he is, which is on the boarder of Pakistan and Afghanistan, then why don’t we just go in there?  I am a skeptic when it comes to conspiracy theories, and to ever think that the United States actually killed all those people just to have a reason to start a war in the middle-east, and that this whole plot is to control the world’s oil is absolutely absurd.  To think also that Bin Laden is a U.S. CIA agent and has been working with the government for all this time is crazy as well. (Although Bin Laden did have many conversations with the CIA, while he was fighting the Soviets in the 1980’s).  Bottom line is that what happened that fateful day on September 11th, 2001 actually happened, and the man behind the attacks, Osama Bin Laden is actually a terrorist and hates the U.S… Adolf Hitler didn’t personally kill anyone during WWII, but he was the mastermind behind the concentration camps which killed millions.  Osama has never killed someone personally, but like Hitler he was the man who was calling the shots, which resulted in thousands of deaths.  So let me asked you this, if Hitler was still alive and hiding wouldn’t you want to go after and kill him? 

The conspiracy theories in my mind just make for a good story, but there is something I do believe that does not have a good answer to it yet.  That is that with all the technology we have, and all the intelligence we have, why don’t we go after him? Do we really have no idea where he is? There is a reason behind all this, and it should not have taken 10 years.  Bottom line is Osama Bin Laden is out there, and there’s a reason why the U.S. government hasn’t found him yet.   

About adolan12

wouldn't you like to know.
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2 Responses to Osama Bin Laden (Dead or Alive?)


    i am of the opinion that bin ladin might have been dead sometimes earlier, cos we saw the two sons of saddam hussein. they should release the pictures of his body 4 any doubting thomas.

  2. Uncanny as it seems, you touched upon about 90% of the topics I talked about on my post. Although I’m sure yours might have been more eloquent, and mine just a pissy rant from an American. Thank you for drawing attention to the things that are really important.

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